High Artist Spotlight: ArtByTai

Tai is an American/Samoan artist with a professional career spanning over two decades, creating artworks with an inspiration from music and the nostalgic memories of his turbulent teenage years, Tai has utilized decades of self-taught techniques, cultivated from urban doctrines, in an effort to create art that evokes an honest & hopefully profound emotional experience.
We recently asked Tai a bit about his inspirations:
Q: Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: Music
Q: Why do you do what you do?
A:  Though creating art is what I do for a profession it’s the therapeutic benefit that keeps me doin’ it.
Q: What role does an artist have in society?
A:  Artists are great observers & great story tellers. They’re basically journalists & historians.
Q: What is your artistic outlook on life?
A:  I don’t know if it’s artistic, but as long as I’m on this side of the concrete, I’m satisfied.
Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?
A:  Keep takin’ those risks. You’ll never know if you can fly if ya don’t leap.