High Artist Spotlight: Aurore Lephilipponnat

Aurore Lephilipponnat is a French artist drawer, living in the south east close to Bordeaux. In 2008, she joined a company of art performers and participated in the musical scenes and festivals of France by creating pictorial universes for all to see. 2012 marked an important year when she discovered the aesthetics of Butoh dance and works made in an obscure expressionist style (in a Sagazan style, Ernest Pignon, Beksinky, Giger ...) . Since then, her work has evolved into the impulsive and frenetic study of the beauty of movement, and the strength of the restless and silent body language. To this day, she continues her work through a series of chimeras, influenced by her interest in the story shared between the human and the animal. The allegory of the chimera and Chamans represents the meeting of primitive and esoteric forces, but also the transhumanization to the animal character. The range of her research continues in the series study inspired by women, and more specifically, the status of women in the world. She gives back to the sacred place to women by integrating them inside the vegetal , in order to instill in them the vital energy of nature.

The muse in the abyss expresses our superior and eternal deep spirit, and the incarnated femininity to transmit the message of the plant which carries omniscience. Freedom is figured through the peaceful face, as an allegory of wisdom. And the wings surmounting her head represents the liberation of the Spirit on the mind. Snakes symbolize our Akashic Memories. As the animals of all time, they are the first to come to us and speak in reptilian language, to whisper their ancestral knowledge, They can only be perceived by the Spirit, and like the Medusa , not visible but perceptible in the innate sense of our higher spirit.
We recently asked Aurore some questions about her inspirations:
Q: Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: "i guess from the world around me and the way i transform it."
Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: "I can't do anything other than draw"
Q: What art/artist do you most identify with?
A: "Ernest Pignon, Modern art."
Q: What role does an artist have in society?
A: "a way of expressing oneself and interacting with the world. Art is a means of expression."
Q: What is your artistic outlook on life?
A: "my artistic vision is to allow anyone to be able to express themselves in their art, without any degree of quality but only through the pleasure of being able to create."
Q: What is your dream project?
A: " Allow my work to be useful for the people who surround themselves with my artistic work. Create a link between the work and the person, and allow access to layers of emotions thanks to my works. "