High Artist Spotlight: BONCE

Bonaventura A Paramarastu, or BONCE, is an Indonesian-based visual maker and illustrator with pop surrealism and psychedelic runs in his soul. Most of his artworks explore and express his visionary state from his imagination and illustrate it with a surrealistic approach.

We recently caught up with BONCE after High Art 2022 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
My Family (My Home) & Lucid Dream
Why do you do what you do?
I do what I love; I love what I do. And art makes me alive.
I do what I love; I love what I do. And art makes me alive.
What art/artist do you most identify with?
Fine art, So falling in love with I Nyoman Gunarsa, Vincent van Gogh, and Alphonse Maria Mucha artworks
What themes do you pursue the most?
Mostly surrealism and psychedelic
What role does an artist have in society?
Symbol of communication to increase the sense of solidarity and as healer in society
What is your artistic outlook on life?
"Urip kudu urup", is words from my father and grandfather means "Life must be lit". In this philosophy, we are invited to make our lives light up by helping the people around us. The point is we must be able to benefit for good deeds both small and big things.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
"Ora usah difikir jero-jero, Kabeh wes ono dalane, Sing penting dilakoni" means less overthinking, life will find a way, and the important thing is to keep moving Forward.
Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, tell us your favorite song and artist.
Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix, Mr. Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan and Breathe by Pink Floyd
What's the best thing about being an artist?
I feel and think being as an artist, I can create the most intimate form of self-expression and a way to connect with others on a deeper level than others.
What is your dream project?
I need to bring a joy and art class/workshop or art activity to all children on orphanage in this world, the point is I want to see the lovely children happy and they feel loved, feel their presence, and can make great things for the world with their art in the future.