High Artist Spotlight: Burton Gray

Burton Gray was originally an oil painter but now exclusively paints digitally. Before Covid, he would sell canvas prints of his digital paintings at various art fairs, art shows, and on the Venice Beach Boardwalk, near where he lives in Los Angeles.
We recently asked Burton some questions about his inspirations:
Q: Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: " I start with a coherent idea, very analytical design. Then i start painting and let the subconscious take over. When my consciousness reawakens I analyze the results, note what works, edit what doesn’t, and begin the cycle again."
Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: " I paint because I love the process of thinking, s and the buzz of successfully diving into the dark subconscious and mining little pieces of darkness that I can explore more fully in the daylight. "
Q: What art/artist do you most identify with?
A: " Dali, Mark Ryden, Hieronymus Bosch, Stanley Kubrick, Arnold Böcklin"
Q: What role does an artist have in society?
A: "Catalyst for s and emotional equilibrium."
Q: What is your artistic outlook on life?
A: "Art is whatever you do in your free time. Fine art is art by someone else."
Q: What advice would you give your younger self?
A: "Education is important. But art school is over-rated. Save your money and just take painting classes and study what you love independently.