High Artist Spotlight: Deirdre Barrett

While Deirdre enthusiastically enjoys other routes also, her nocturnal dreams are her #1 route to high and altered states. Deirdre’s dreams inspired both of the pieces posted here. She uses a Wacom tablet and the latest computer brush and pen tool for evoking the oneiric world's fantastic entities and magical events . . . images that just can't be but they look so realistic that you don't question them at the time.

Many of her pieces depict thin boundaries between the inanimate vs. sentient. Objects, animals, and humans in a dream can manifest the same traits, as they're all representations of our unconscious. Even as she works in this techno-medium, Deirdre is influenced by her favorite artists of past eras: Hieronymus Bosch's crude little creatures, elegant other-worldly entities of Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington, and beings emerging out of randomness as in Max Ernst's frottage.

Deirdre’s goal is for the viewer to experience a connection with the dream world: to catch a glimpse of one of her dream moments, but more importantly, to connect with your own nocturnal realms from the vantage of the waking self.

Support Deirdre by shopping her collection today!