High Artist Spotlight: Jacob Korson

Jacob Korson is an Urban Contemporary Artist from Torrance, California currently living in Arizona. His work practices involves the use of various mediums and techniques putting together old and new materials. Using wood, metal, canvas and discarded paper to create his paintings that are unlike traditional artwork. Completely self taught he is inspired by early street art and graffiti, realism and 80’s Pop Art combined to form his current style of artistic expression. Korson’s work draws attention with a mashup of bold color, collage of patterns/textures and use of handmade stencils. The work is saturated with bright eye catching color and adolescent imagery influenced by life, love and mortality in American culture.
We recently caught up with Jacob after High Art 2023 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:

Where do you find your creative inspiration?

I find inspiration in all things. A truly fluid feeling of transformation moving from many different perspectives of creation. I’ve always made things with my heart/mind to focus on the things that matter most to me. I work with many mediums and materials to paint, carve, sew or build each piece of artwork.

Why do you do what you do?

It’s always been a part of my personality since childhood to make things. Coming from an extremely poor broken home, I focused on art to survive the day-to-day struggles of that existence. Each piece of work is built on that same feeling of being alone and helpless in the world. Pushing forward to create new things with different perspectives of how life can be.

What art/artist do you most identify with?

So many contemporary artists come to mind, my current favorites would be Micheal Reeder, Swoon, and Shepard Fairey. I’ve always loved mixed media pieces with different materials used in their creation.

What themes do you pursue the most?

Dystopian imagery, Conspiracy-driven American culture/propaganda, and the Mortality of Utopian Society. With influences from graffiti and realism playing a key role in these developing themes/ideas.

What role does an artist have in society?

The role of an artist in our society is to bring life to our imaginations. To create the world around us, be it architecture, design, advertising, fashion, and more traditional forms of artistic expression like sculpture and painting. Without artists, there would be nothing to the experience of being human.

What is your artistic outlook on life?

To never stop creating new forms of art and the communication that brings that work and people together from experiencing it.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Work hard. Never give up on yourself; every day is a new chance with unknown possibilities.

Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, share the song and artist that you listen to while creating art.

Dirty Vegas/days go by, the verve/bitter sweet symphony, and my personal favorite Gary Jules/ mad world.

What's the best thing about being an artist?

The feeling of bringing something to life with my own two hands that started as no more than a thought in my head. And the feeling people get seeing that creation come to life is infinitely inspiring.

What is your dream project?

Publicly showing a large body of my work in a gallery or a series of large murals in major cities across the world. And working with like-minded creative individuals in this pursuit.​​

Support Jacob by shopping his collection here.