High Artist Spotlight: Joe Ski

Joseph Szczygielski, or commonly known as Joe Ski for short, is a multimedia artist based out of Western New York. After earning a degree focusing on Digital Media he now works as a Pre-Press Technician at Niagara Label, editing and creating custom artwork for wineries and breweries.

We recently asked Joe some questions about his inspirations:
Q: Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: "I find my creative inspiration from long bike rides, star gazing, camping, the peaceful stillness of nature. They all help to ease my mind to let it wander off a bit more."
Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: "The moment when you step back from a piece and admire what used to only be a thought in my head or a scribble on a post it. Creating something from nothing feels so good!"
Q: What art/artist do you most identify with?
A: "I love the mind of Wayne Coyne. Whether it's his lyrics, his doodles or his paintings.. the guy never stops creating and is always pushing to try new things. I've always admired his creative stamina and will always look to him for inspiration.. I say.. hey.. what would Wayne do?"
Q: What role does an artist have in society?
A: "The artists' role in society is to shake up the senses. Make you stop and wonder. Let your mind wander. Artists give the world a diverse sense of color in more ways than one."
Q: What is your artistic outlook on life?
A: "When you lose interest in learning new skills you may deprive yourself of a passion you never knew you had. Stay curious and open to new approaches in life and you will only benefit from it."
Q: What advice would you give your younger self?
A: "
Nothing is impossible.. you can figure it out! "