High Artist Spotlight: Julian Bustos
Argentinian artist Julian Bustos received a degree from the national university La Plata (Argentina), and works giving art classes, illustrating school manuals and occasional artistic hirings. He is especially interested in the human psyche, the spirit and the architecture of the soul.
His works of art cover diverse techniques such as oil, photography, watercolor, digital, and ceramics, in many of which he has received national awards.
Julian entered High Art nearly every year since its inception in 2014, and his talent grew each year until he placed 2nd during High Art 2019 with his piece "The Spirit That Loved A Plant".
We recently asked Julian to share his inspirations, dreams and more.
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
"Spirituality books and cannabis (of course) helps to open your mind and see new creativity possibilities. But mostly watching artists from all the world, and all the times, and all techniques. I'm addicted to watching art."
"Spirituality books and cannabis (of course) helps to open your mind and see new creativity possibilities. But mostly watching artists from all the world, and all the times, and all techniques. I'm addicted to watching art."
Why do you do what you do?
"I can't imagine doing anything else I would like to do more."
What role does an artist have in society?
"The artist manifests the unconsciousness of society, the changes, the new world to come."
What is your dream project?
"What I do now is what I like the most. maybe I wish I could dedicate myself a little more to ceramics, my other passion. I would like very much one day to have my own brand of Japanese style ceramics."