High Artist Spotlight: Nick Beery

Beery Method is an illustrator and designer from Illinois who champions the use of cannabis to meditate and enhance the creative process. A lover of all things art, nature, space, and cosmic influence, Beery continues to present his visual art across the digital, physical, and astral dimensions from his organic farm in the Midwest.

We recently caught up with Beery after High Art 2022 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
Creative inspiration comes from the natural world around me as well as the esoteric metaphysical higher conscious states.
Why do you do what you do?
Creating art and pushing the boundaries of those forms is essential to my well being.
What art/artist do you most identify with?
Artists who trust the natural world and are not using modern trends to fit in.
What themes do you pursue the most?
Occult and Counter Culture themes are a constant rotation.
What role does an artist have in society?
Artist's are communicators through their art form whatever that may be. The role of the artist depends on each singular person's life experience. The role of an artist in any society is hinged deeply on the culture the artist is raised in and the filters of the experiences they use to connect to others. The role of all artists in any society is to connect with others and communicate their vision.
What is your artistic outlook on life?
I'm just a spiritual being having an Earthly experience. Let the ego of the everyday world step aside to the energy of my peripheral being. In other words: Make Art Not War, live passionately not through superficial entices, know yourself best when no one recognizes the true you, and find balance in moderation. Take time to fell the sun on your face, make a child laugh, and love those who love you back. The energy you radiate will come back to you. Keep creating and the life you seek you will produce in time.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Stay younger longer! Quit trying to advance in life too quickly. Enjoy the presence of your youth.
Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, tell us your favorite song and artist.
Yes. Music gets the creative juices flowing. I do not have a favorite song and artist but I do prefer ambient/electronic music that helps parse the liminal spaces in my mind as I get into a flow state.
What's the best thing about being an artist?
I never get bored. Creating art is about creating LIFE. Every day is different and each project gives me insight into my ever growing self. Learning new media and techniques continues to feed my soul.
What is your dream project?
I'm kinda living it right now. This life is a dream is it not. I mean it's some kind of miracle that we are all here right now. Life IS the dream project!