High Artist Spotlight: Obiora Anamaleze

Obiora's art centres around the female body which he considers a masterpiece of design and a source of inspiration, form and detail. He is of the opinion that the female body, often lowered to its isolated parts has been mankind's most prevailing subject that is adored and yet full of myth, judgement, ridicule and violence and this has led to his use of the female body as a point of engagement and provocation. The outcome of this is a series of imagery and hybridization of figures as visual metaphors thus bringing to life physical, spiritual and conceptual depths in a tactile fashion while making social and personal commentaries in painting. He closely observes and engages his subject in the process of creating his art by way of looking past the obvious. According to him, the challenge is to see beyond the distraction of the conspicuous in order to capture the essence. His aim is to inspire those who see his work to look more carefully at the world around them, to discover beauty in unusual places. Obiora draws inspiration from Nsibidi and Uli traditional motifs of Nigeria's ideographic system and manipulates Biblical scripts to create richly textured works thereby making a visual impact.
We recently caught up with Obiora after High Art 2023 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:

Where do you find your creative inspiration? 

From everyday people and life experiences.

Why do you do what you do?

To express deep personal feelings and societal commentary.

What art/artist do you most identify with?

Abstract expressionism and artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat.

What themes do you pursue the most?

Social issues, human emotions, and urban life.

What role does an artist have in society?

To reflect societal issues and offer different perspectives through art.

What is your artistic outlook on life?

Art is a tool for communication, reflection, and understanding deeper truths.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Keep pushing your limits and always stay true to your artistic vision.

Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, share the song and artist that you listen to while creating art.

Yes, I often listen to "Imagine" by John Lennon for inspiration.

What's the best thing about being an artist?

The freedom to create and inspire others through my work.

What is your dream project?

To have a solo exhibition at a major global art venue.

Support Obiora by shopping his collection here.