High Artist Spotlight: Rob Jr.

Rob Jr is an Artist based out of Austin Tx. He pulls influences from graffiti, and Street Art.
We  caught up with Rob after High Art 2023 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:

Where do you find your creative inspiration?
Street Art and Graffiti

Why do you do what you do?
I’m a full time Artist and single dad of two teens.

What art/artist do you most identify with?

What themes do you pursue the most?

What role does an artist have in society?
To put Art everywhere!

What is your artistic outlook on life?
Drown yourself in what you love.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Paint more draw more!

Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, share the song and artist that you listen to while creating art.
Red Hot Chili Peppers

What's the best thing about being an artist?
Doing what you love.

What is your dream project?
Not sure yet.