High Artist Spotlight: Sreya Majumdar

Sreya Majumdar is a Mumbai,India based Illustrator, Designer and Architect. Her primary work revolves around building human experiences through design solutions. When she isn't working as a designer, she enjoy sitting at her drawing board to create illustrations. Her art style keeps evolving and adapting. She enjoys working on surreal, speculative, borderline dystopian themes and loves experimenting with her visual style-which may range from detailed line work to subdued patterns, shapes and forms.She is hugely inspired by Japanese aesthetics which is often reflected in her pieces.
We recently asked Sreya some questions about her inspirations:
Q: Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: "Just by observing everything around me and thinking about future possibilities"
Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: "For me, art is a creative outlet, something I have indulged in as a child and has always been my favourite medium to express myself. I am most articulate the I express myself through visuals"
Q: What art/artist do you most identify with?
A: " Artists who have a lasting impression -in terms of details and effort they put into creating the image and their message,also artists that experiment with visual forms and shapes . Mangas and graphic novels also have a big influence on me. "
Q: What role does an artist have in society?
A: " To make people think, to make them critically question the message, the meaning and retrospect "
Q: What is your artistic outlook on life?
A: " To aim to be genuine and think laterally "
Q: What advice would you give your younger self?
A: "To keep practising and actively look for inspirations. To not be too caught up in creating a visually aesthetic piece but create something with a message."