High Artist Spotlight: Steven Bossler

Steven Bossler was born and raised in southeastern Wisconsin. He began drawing at an early age, inspired by Saturday morning cartoons, comic books, and wandering aimlessly in nature. As his work progressed, his interest in making art a career led to a tattoo apprenticeship following high school. Working as a tattoo artist installed self-discipline in an intimidating and challenging medium. Wanting to explore other possibilities and broaden his artistic range, he attended the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. While attending MIAD he became more passionate about painting and in 2006 he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Illustration. Since graduating, Stevens’ artwork has appeared in a number of galleries throughout the United States. In 2009 he paired up with a fellow artist and friend to open a tattoo studio/gallery called Greenseed Studios. Steven lives and works in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
We recently caught up with Steven after High Art 2022 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
It hits me at different moments. Sometimes while listening to or playing music. Sometimes while taking a walk in the woods. Sometimes while staring off into space. It's everywhere, just takes me a little while to notice it at times.
Why do you do what you do?
I have to or I'd probably stab people. Art calms me. I need that escape. I've been lucky enough to be able to create art for a living. With tattooing I guess I'm still kind of stabbing people so it's all working out.
What art/artist do you most identify with?
I've been addicted to the works of Arthur Rackham, Alphonse Mucha, Andrew Wyeth, Esao Andrews, James Jean, craola, Aaron Horkey, Audrey Kawasaki, to name a few. Art is so accessible these days, I fall in love with a new artist almost everyday.
What themes do you pursue the most?
Nature, sexuality, abandonment, death, and sometimes humor.
What role does an artist have in society?
I think artists provide an escape and present a new way to see things.
What is your artistic outlook on life?
Keep being passionate and keep soaking everything in.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Work harder, but don't take anything too seriously.
Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, tell us your favorite song and artist.
Yes!! Always. It helps get the creative juices flowing. There are too many favorite songs and artists, but right now I'm addicted to the new Band of Horses album.
What's the best thing about being an artist?
When I'm drawing or painting I'm somewhere else. I'm not thinking about any other stresses or frustrations that might be going on in my life. I'm fortunate to have that place to relax.
What is your dream project?
To collaborate and work with some of my favorite artists on a huge mural that makes people orgasm uncontrollably when they look at it.