High Artist Spotlight: Victoria Gumulya

Victoria Frances Gumulya is an Indonesian illustrator and graphic designer with background in architecture engineering, design and music. She loves to create funny characters and doodling. Her personal illustrations are executed using black pens on paper. She also has specialties in vector illustration, icon design, digital painting, and doodle art.She loves to explore and spontaneously draws various characters, elements, lines and shapes that lead to an illustration composition. She believes that imagination and creativity can help this world a little better and make life full of energy and inspiration. It’s been her passion and dedication to provide various art styles and memorable creations.

We recently caught up with Victoria after High Art 2022 to learn more about her most recent inspirations:
Where do you find your creative inspiration?
The universe. Everything that happens around me and influence me personally.
Why do you do what you do?
I'm living my dream. Art and music are my passions and I'm achieving my goals.
I'm living my dream. Art and music are my passions and I'm achieving my goals.
What art/artist do you most identify with?
Doodle art and Kawaii art style.
What themes do you pursue the most?
Abstract line art, nature, floral (especially Rose) and food.
What role does an artist have in society?
Artist's role in society is to deliver a concept and communicate the universal language visually. The aesthetic and utility can connect people emotionally.
What is your artistic outlook on life?
Life is builded through art, for example, architecture, fashion, technology, etc. Everything has a concept and need a design process to be suitable for human needs, physically and psychologically.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Believe and be kind to yourself. You are stronger and have achieved more than you think.
Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, tell us your favorite song and artist.
Guns N' Roses : Patience, November Rain, Don't Cry, Knockin' On the Heaven's Door, Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City
What's the best thing about being an artist?
I'm living the dream. My works is my passion. I can focus to explore the creativity and improve my skill to be better. It makes me happy and grateful.
What is your dream project?
My doodle art series project which inspired by my late grandmother and my surroundings. It is an emotional journey which I implement it into my artwork and hopefully can touch people's heart.
My education. I also want to study art abroad. I love to study various art styles and improve my skills to be a better artist.
My education. I also want to study art abroad. I love to study various art styles and improve my skills to be a better artist.