High Artist Spotlight: xhumanerr0rx

xhumanerr0rx has been exploring various art mediums his whole life. Originally discovering collage artwork through his love of music, being in various hardcore and punk bands since his formative years, he was always creating artwork and fliers for his musical endeavors. The aim is to express deep feelings surrounding such subjects as social politics, earthly matters and emotional states of mind. It was after all a human error that led us here, and now we cannot turn back.
We recently caught up with xhumanerr0rx after High Art 2023 to learn more about his most recent inspirations:

Where do you find your creative inspiration?
Everyday life and the world around me. I often create from emotions and the effect they can have on logic.

Why do you do what you do?
That is the question, isn't it? Haha. I wish I had an answer, all I know is I do what I do because I love doing it. I don't think much more on it. I think if you do something you truly love, it'll show, and maybe inspire others to venture as well.

What art/artist do you most identify with?
I dig a lot of collage artists I follow in the online community, some notable influences for me are Absurd Mirror, Moon Patrol, Basement Galaxy, Chemical Messiah, Vexed Works, Lopz, Zazzhands... There are so many more, I could go on and on really.

What themes do you pursue the most?
Emotional well-being, mental health, addiction, sexuality and gender roles, broad variety of social politics.

What role does an artist have in society?
To shed light on dark areas that others will likely otherwise not see.

What is your artistic outlook on life?
Life is art and art is life, because art is everywhere.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
Just do not ever give up on creating and self-expression, there will be times where you will think you need to abandon it all entirely in pursuit of other things... Don't.

Do you listen to music while you are creating? If yes, share the song and artist that you listen to while creating art.
"Lately a lot of Lord Huron, Dan Levy, Hundredth, and Being As An Ocean. Lord Huron - Frozen Pines, Dan Levy - J'ai perdu mon corps, Being As An Ocean - Dissolve"

What's the best thing about being an artist?
It's therapeutic honestly. I can get lost for hours creating a piece, my mind goes to a place all its own. Then sometimes, knowing that where you were in that headspace can draw others in when they view art, and it becomes a shared experience, it's a beautiful thing.

What is your dream project?
I would really like to have a large art co-op warehouse, surrounded by nature not necessarily in a city anywhere, and have shows regularly, both visual, and live music and performance art.